Harvesting wave energy, ocean and tidal current simultaneously
by Rolling Cylinder
Rolling Cylinder is the ultimate wave energy converter. Like all great inventions RC is inspired by the world´s best developer – mother nature.
RC was invented by Manfred and Øjvind Boltz, mechanical engineers from Germany and Denmark and Stig Vindeløv, chairman of the wave energy association in Denmark (www.waveenergy.dk) for many years.
For more than 20 years were these three inventors working with finding the ”key to wavepower”.
The right solution were not found with regard to the many parameters which a good wave energy converter must fulfill, like Stig always said: The three most important parameters are:
1:100 tests were carried out at the Nordic Folkecenter for Renewable Energy (www.folkecenter.net).
In 2009 the professional inventor and businessman Lars Storper invested in the project and the result is a 1:25 scale model-test (proof of concept) in Aalborg university´s wave tank.